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SHE SPEAKS SHE HEALS Podcast with Doctor Shannon

Aug 31, 2021

What are you looking for when you dig? Because you WILL find it. Here are 4 reasons to dig, and what you'll find beyond the stink (and sting.)

1. The PIT.
2. The pause.
3. The passion. 
4. To pursue...YOU (Your heart and soul.)

You can do it, my dear!! It's worth it if you go ALL THE WAY.

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L....

Aug 30, 2021

Become the SOLUTION that you seek.

Did you know that life and death are in the power of your tongue?

How you talk will affect how you walk.

How you walk will affect how you rock and roll with the rhythm of your life…your heart’s song.

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage...

Aug 29, 2021

Who are you? I'll tell you who you are.

And get this...

You don't necessarily have to FIND yourself to know who you are. 

I've got great news for you.

If you are WITH YOU, then you’re not lost.


And so am I.

I'm also beyond grateful for YOU.

Thanks for being YOU.

Thanks for sharing YOU with Me.

Please grab...

Aug 29, 2021

You’ve been on the hamster wheel in your head… Perhaps your process of trying to figure everything out is what's got you down.

Instead, ask yourself these 4 powerful questions that'll unlock your heart and allow you to experience freedom again:

1. Is it working?
2. What’s “working?” (How do you...

Aug 27, 2021

Today I’m going to help you see another way to define S.O.L.

Whether it’s stuck, overwhelmed, lost — overwhelming grief or loss…

First, whatever you’re feeling, it won’t last forever. I promise.

Second. You’re not alone. Even when you feel “all by yourself.”

Yes, you must sip on life for yourself, but...