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SHE SPEAKS SHE HEALS Podcast with Doctor Shannon

Feb 28, 2019

You have your "stories"...we all do.

But is it possible that perhaps it's simply due to the WRONG DATE?

These 3 things will help you get RIGHT in your date:

1. Don’t come to conclusions that don’t serve you.

2. Don’t pursue that which you can attract.

Allow your heart to attract YOU to HER. THEN pursue...

Feb 27, 2019

First. What are they?

Second. Are you?  (Rate it on a scale from 1-10.)

Third. HOW?

Fourth. Now...

Dear Woman Sipping On Life (Dear S.O.L.,) here's your TOP 10 LIST Of Love + Life:

10. Vulnerability.

It's an open heart.

9. Awareness.

It's a process of discovery.

8. Decision.

Transformation happens the moment you make a...

Feb 26, 2019

Oftentimes we blame the past for everything, including our present.

Stop blaming your past. IT can't do anything about it.


If you blame your past...what you’re really doing is blaming your PRESENT (for your past.)

It’s time to stop blaming, and forgive your present. In the present.


Feb 25, 2019

Today's S.O.L. Story leads to what I call, "The Art of The Ask."

The ability to ask in order to uncover and discover something.

It starts within YOURSELF, so you can also do it with others.

In order to love you (and others), you must know you.

In order to know you (and others), you must ask yourself empowering,...

Feb 24, 2019

So, now what? Today I'll show you...

The “unexpected” allows us to go so much deeper than what we thought we would, should, or could…to discover what’s really there.


It allows us to find out and discover what’s there in our NOW, to create the NEXT.

So…Now What?

Sometimes this can be the scariest...