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SHE SPEAKS SHE HEALS Podcast with Doctor Shannon

Nov 30, 2019

Today we’re going to walk through the 6 steps of redefining and reverse engineering your breakup.


1. Break UP.

Look UP after your breakup.

What would your situation look like in the BIG picture — the 30,000 feet view?

What’s the big picture that you’d desire to create?

2. Break DOWN.

Take whatever your...

Nov 29, 2019

How Do “THEY” Do It? Have you ever asked yourself this or wondered, “What’s “wrong” with me? Why can’t I get it together?”

First, you’re not alone.

We’ve all thought this at one time or another. Until we see behind the curtain of the ones that seemingly have it “all figured out,” and we realize...

Nov 28, 2019

I call it a "Moment Of Truth."

It’s that moment when you consciously choose to walk in truth — in all areas of your life.

That moment when you ask yourself these questions:

1. What will I no longer tolerate in my life?

2. What will I celebrate and create in my life?

Then totally commit to it.

Go all in.

It’s the...

Nov 27, 2019

Today I identify 4 types of action that can bring beauty to your life:

1. DistrACTION.

2. SubtrACTION.

3. AttrACTION.

4. SatisfACTION.

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) 


Take a very honest look at all the ACTION in your life and...

Nov 26, 2019

If you're becoming the result of something that "triggers" your happy or not happy, then you're being and becoming someone you're not.

What IF happy isn’t something we make or create or choose….but it’s something we are.


What if happiness isn’t a feeling, but an identity?

How are you...