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SHE SPEAKS SHE HEALS Podcast with Doctor Shannon

Dec 31, 2021

The clearest version of you is the truest version of you.

Dear Kim McMillen said, “The impulsive part of me learned to wait for the right time. Then I become clear and unafraid.”

And guess what? Not all “waiting” is the same.

How are you waiting?

What is total truth for you today?

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L....

Dec 30, 2021

This IS the way to relief…

Kim McMillen discovered, “When I loved myself enough I began feeling such relief.”

(This is based on the profound little book, When I Loved Myself Enough by Kim McMillen and Alison McMillen-Givnish. You can order a copy HERE.)


I’d love to hear from you....

Dec 29, 2021

Kim McMillen said, “When I loved myself enough I began walking and taking the stairs every change I get, and choosing the scenic route.”

YOU must take YOU to the next level.


In order to do this, you must show up.

How are you showing up and who are you showing up as?

Who are you?

Now it’s time to STEP that...

Dec 28, 2021

FORCE. Stop trying to force yourself, or anyone else, into doing something you, he, or she are not ready to do.

Kim McMillan reminds us, “When I loved myself enough I began seeing the abuse in trying to force something or someone who isn’t ready — including me.”

Abusive? Aggressive? Assertive? Attentive?


Dec 27, 2021

Kim McMillan said it best, “When I loved myself enough I stopped blaming myself for choices I had made — which made me feel safe and I took responsibility for them.”

Own your choices.

Own your own forgiveness.


Forget to get
Remember to be reminded
Engage to be MERRY’D.
Empathize to empower.

(This was...