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SHE SPEAKS SHE HEALS Podcast with Doctor Shannon

Feb 28, 2023

If you’re struggling with being, and staying consistent, then the only way to BECOME IT is to BE IT. These steps will help you…

Today I show you a way to identify and clarify your consistencies, so you can become consistent at being YOU, and create the desires of your heart.

How consistent are YOU at being YOU?


Feb 26, 2023

Today's episode is a great reminder of living life on purpose, versus by's time to get YOUR life WORKING.

The most unexpected moments can be our greatest teachers, so can this ONE question. Today’s episode is a valuable — short and sweet — reminder of what truly matters in life.

Oftentimes we get so...

Feb 25, 2023

Today I'll help you begin the process of uncovering and discovering YOUR BELIEFS so you can decide which ones FIT in your life, and which one's do not...

I'll show you how to take control of your thoughts so you can receive what you say you desire.

Today’s episode is somewhat of an extension of yesterday’s

Feb 24, 2023

Today I reveal the 4 Forms of Opinion Ownership and a new form of Entrepreneurialism...

Do you think about what others are thinking about you? You're about to learn some TRUTHS that'll set you FREE...while adding incredible value to your life, and the lives of others.

It’s an ongoing topic of discussion in my S.O.L....

Feb 23, 2023

Our "ideas" can work for us or against us. It's not necessarily what you're eating, but perhaps what's eating you that matters most...

Have you ever fallen in love with an idea or the idea of someone, only to be disappointed? In today’s S.O.L. Story I show you what french fries have to do with it...and what to do...